At Home Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

A member of our team can visit you in your environment to evaluate your needs and set up an intervention plan.

We follow the guidelines supported by our professional order

Physiothérapie à domicile chez les personnes âgées: quels sont les avantages? | OPPQ

at home physiotherapy

At this point a joint decision will be made by yourself and our team member to determine whether it is appropriate to have other team members (PT, TRP) intervene.

In cases where a recent evaluation has already been carried out by a professional outside of our team, we can consult the existing evaluation and simply complete the evaluation to reflect your current status. As our rates depend on the level of expertise of the professional assigned to you, this may result in reduced costs to the treatment plan.

The frequency of interventions will be determined at the first visit and modified as your condition changes, to best reflect your needs.

We bill at the end of the month. Along with your bill you will receive your treatment plan, a list of the interventions carried out as well as the changes noted in your condition.

Our fees are based on the duration of each session as well as the level of expertise needed for the situation. Please contact us to discuss the particularities of your situation.